Get Plugged In Journal

The definition of the plug in the urban dictionary is “The source for everything you need.”  The get plugged in journal is your plug for everything you need to getting started, stay the course, and finish your biggest goals.

Get Plugged In

The Get Plugged In Journal Is Designed To:

  • Help you take control of your time.

  • Makes it easy to prioritize what’s important.

  • Get clarity on what steps to take.

  • Gain the mastery of  the habits that will help you accomplish any goal.  

There is a saying, “Even a genius who doesn’t have a road map is lost.  The Get Plugged Journal will help you define your mission, and create a road map to accomplishing your biggest goals.  

Plug In

  • Create focus, inspiration, and direction daily.  
  • Track your progress.
  • Us proven tools that make success a sure bet.  
  • Accomplish more everyday.
  • A Powerful and easy way to organize what’s important.  
Get Plugged In

The Get Plugged In Journal Features

GET PLUGGED IN Looking Ahead 

This area allows you to look ahead in your life, so that you never miss major events and projects.      


GETTING PLUGGED IN BHAG – Big Hairy Audacious Goal

In this section, you will reflect on where you are, and create a vision for where you want to be in five years.  This gives you the opportunity to dream, and set Big Hairy Audacious Goals.


GET PLUGGED IN One Sentence Mission Statement 

This is where you will create a one sentence mission statement that will provide focus, inspiration, and direction.  This sentence will help you stay focused on how you want to impact the world, give you inspiration to move towards your goals, and provide direction to where you are going.  Your one sentence mission statement will be the first thing you journal in the morning, and the last thing you journal at night. 


GET PLUGGED IN 108 Day Tracking-At-A-Glance Calendar

To hold yourself accountable to completing 108 days of being plugged in, this section makes it easy for you to track at-a-glance how many days you’ve been working on your goals.  This allows you to review your progress quickly



The 3BY7 rule helps you prioritize your most important goals.  Getting your goals on paper increases your probability for completing them.  The 3BY7 tool assures that you are working on the most important items on your to-do list.



The PLUG is where you take your top three goals from the 3BY7 Rule and break them down into SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.  This allows you to focus on what needs to be done, and know what needs to be done next to accomplish your goal.     


GET PLUGGED IN Weekly Calendar

This is where you schedule the time to work on major and minor goals.   



This is the most important part of the book.  Block work allows you to hold yourself accountable for the work that needs to get done.

Questions to ask yourself?  

  • Do you have something special to contribute to the world?
  • Do you have a plan to accomplish your biggest goals?
  • Are you looking to accomplish more in your life?

If you answered YES to any of these, what are you waiting for?  


The Get Plugged In Journal 

Get Plugged In